Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Patriotism or is it Patriotismo???

I was born and raised in Texas. I LOVE TEXAS! When I see a Texas flag anywhere I feel this sense of pride like 'that's my home!' If anyone mentions anything about Texas, my face lights up. The first words out of my mouth when I meet people is "Hi I'm Rosie and I'm from Texas." Its crazy!!

So today my fiance and I were going to Washington on the Brazos, the birthplace of Texas. I have been there before(Yay for school field trips!) and I loved learning about the history of my state. I always feel a sense of patriotism for this state and country. But I started thinking... Should I be this patriotic? I get teary eyed when I sing the Star Spangled Banner for crying out loud!! I feel a sense of pride when I hear about our forefathers. Is that weird? To my knowledge my family doesn't really have any direct/marital ties to the founders of this country. So should I feel this way, since my family didn't really contribute? Don't get me wrong I am blessed to live in this country. I feel almost like I get looks when I sing the Star Spangled Banner or shed a tear when I see a fly-over. Should I just sit back and enjoy the ride?

I have justified why I feel this sense of pride in being a Texan. There is a chance, albeit slim, that my family may have actually helped in fighting for Texas Independence. It may be more likely that they were on the opposite side! Isn't this true for any cause. We, as a society, have to feel a sense of connectedness to the environment in which we live. If we lack that connection, we fell like an alien in our own home.

If we look back to the in history our country was built by immigrants. While my families first view of America may have been a muddy river rather than the statue of liberty, I'm sure my ancestors felt the same stirring of pride as all the new American as they crossed the border for the first time.

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