Happy Monday!
I've lived in South Georgia for going on 4 years. I like it here. The pace of life is different, its more laid back and I LOVE COUNTRY FOOD! Its soo GOOD! But besides that there is something I have noticed since I've lived here. Its that there aren't many people that are the same color as me. Most that are the same color do not speak English. This has been interesting because most people who see me, start making assumptions especially about the language part of it. As stated earlier my Spanish is somewhat limited. When I go into stores, there have been times when the clerk has not said a word to me. However, once I open my mouth and say "Hello," they will start to converse with me, but its like I have to prove that I speak English first.
Not only has the language thing been an issue but also "what I am" has come into question. You are probably wondering "What?" Let me explain... When you first meet someone we automatically start putting people in categories like..
* Male/Female
* Heterosexual/Homosexual
* Race--- Which is funny because this sometimes is tricky.. Not everyone is Black or White, we do have some in-betweens, like Hispanics/Asians..
So when it comes to the Race part I confuse people, and people will go though great strides to FIGURE ME OUT! So great that they will just plain out ask you. I've been asked if I was Hawaiian and Native American. I quickly tell them "No I'm Mexican"
When I lived in Texas, this wasn't the case, I was never asked what I was, I mean SERIOUSLY! It annoys me that I have to explain who I am. Not only have I been asked but I get LOTS of stares. I will walk into a restaurant and my fiance is White and we get looks, as if we are some "Freak Show". That bothers me too. I hate being stared at. I realize I am Brown and am a little different but I am not much different from you. I may be Brown but I grew up as American as you can get, I love American Food, I listen to English Music--Pop, Rock, Top 40's, Christian etc.
I'm not sure if I am singling out myself on purpose or if there is genuinely an issue at hand.
Picture Provided By: http://lh5.ggpht.com/_6kXyjY-kAl8/S4ulUJKN4VI/AAAAAAAAhcQ/kOaE0ol4nxA/Curious_George_Binoculars_clipart_1.jpg